Free a powerful warlock from his imprisonment and venture with him on a quest to find the lost Nether Scrolls.
Discover a new way of unleashing arcane energies with a brand new thief kit: The Warlock.
Quickly travel vast distances across the Plane of Shadow if you dare to brave its desolate environs.
Relax and store your equipment in a planar safe haven. Unlock new features and forge alliances in this astral stronghold.
Brew potions and craft powerful artifacts to enhance your strength and devastate your enemies.
Ayden is primarily a companion mod, but comes bundled with a set of additional components.
Warlock: Warlocks are masters of the dark arts, reckless mortals who draw their power from strange and sinister
entities. Unlike mages, who approach magic through the medium of spells, a warlock invokes powerful magic through nothing more than
an effort of will. By harnessing his dark gift through fearsome determination, a warlock can enhance his senses, beguile the weak-minded,
or scour his foes with blasts of eldritch power.
Level | Abilities | Lore |
1st | Eldritch Blast (1d6), Devil's Sight | 6 |
2nd | Shadow Armor | 12 |
3rd | Eldritch Blast (2d6), Unearthly Resilience I | 18 |
4th | Brimstone Ray | 24 |
5th | Eldritch Blast (3d6), Energy Resistance I | 30 |
6th | Walk Unseen | 36 |
7th | Eldritch Blast (4d6), Fiendish Servant I | 42 |
8th | Hellrime Breath | 48 |
9th | Eldritch Blast (5d6) | 54 |
10th | A Cold Day in Hell | 60 |
11th | Eldritch Blast (6d6) | 66 |
12th | Enthrall | 72 |
13th | Eldritch Blast (7d6), Energy Resistance II | 78 |
14th | Flee the Scene | 84 |
15th | Eldritch Blast (8d6), Fiendish Servant II | 90 |
16th | Vitriolic Burst | 96 |
17th | Eldritch Blast (9d6), Unearthly Resilience II | 102 |
18th | Vomit Swarm | 108 |
19th | Eldritch Blast (10d6) | 114 |
20th | Lightning Chain | 120 |
Level | Abilities | Lore |
21st | Eldritch Blast (11d6), Energy Resistance III | 126 |
22nd | Devour Magic | 132 |
23rd | Eldritch Blast (12d6) | 138 |
24th | High-Level Abilities | 144 |
25th | Eldritch Blast (13d6) | 150 |
26th | 156 | |
27th | Eldritch Blast (14d6) | 162 |
28th | 168 | |
29th | Eldritch Blast (15d6), Energy Resistance IV | 174 |
30th | 180 | |
31st | Eldritch Blast (16d6), Unearthly Resilience III | 186 |
32nd | 192 | |
33rd | Eldritch Blast (17d6) | 198 |
34th | 204 | |
35th | Eldritch Blast (18d6) | 210 |
36th | 216 | |
37th | Eldritch Blast (19d6), Energy Resistance V | 222 |
38th | 228 | |
39th | Eldritch Blast (20d6) | 234 |
40th | 240 |
Warlocks gain 6 points of Lore at each level, rather than 3 points like other thief kits.
The warlock slowly starts regenerating his health at a rate of 1 hit point per round.
The warlock gains 20% energy resistance to acid, cold, electricity, or fire.
The warlock gains the service of an imp, which he can summon once per day.
A warlock's basic attack—a surge of pure eldritch power. This ability deals 1d6 points of magical damage for every two warlock levels after first (to a maximum of 20d6 at 39th level) and is subject to magic resistance.
You gain the visual acuity of a devil, granting you infravision and a +20% bonus to Detect Illusions. While active, the warlock is also immune to the darkness spell.
You envelop yourself in shadows that deflect attacks as though they were studded leather armor (AC 7) and give you immunity to the magic missile spell. For every three levels after 2nd, the armor gains a +1 bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level.
You change your eldritch blast into a fiery burst that incinerates your victims. Creatures struck by brimstone ray catch on fire and take an additional 2d6 points of fire damage on the following round if they fail a saving throw.
You gain the ability to fade from view. You are invisible for the duration of the effect or until you engage in combat.
You change your eldritch blast into a breath of chilling cold that deals cold damage to all creatures in the area of effect and reduces their Dexterity for 2 rounds. Affected creatures get a saving throw for half damage.
You manifest the extremes of hellish domains, gaining either a +50% resistance to cold and a -50% resistance to fire or a +50% resistance to fire and a -50% resistance to cold.
You enthrall a creature's mind, allowing you to control their actions while the invocation is in effect. Regardless of whether the creature makes a successful saving throw or not, it can not be affected again by this ability for 24 hours.
The warlock kit comes with a custom script (WARLOCK0) which can be set for any warlock character through the customize menu on the character screen.
A warlock using this script will automatically use Devil's Sight and Shadow Armor if the invocations are not currently active.
By default, a warlock will be aggressive in combat, using his offensive invocations, alternating between Brimstone Ray and Eldritch Blast unless the enemies' resistances are too high. He will attempt to use his abilities as safely as possible, though he might still hit some of his allies if the positioning changes significantly after he begins invoking his powers.
If enemies are within weapon range, the warlock will also attack with his weapon between invocations to make full use of his combat actions.
If switched to defensive mode, the warlock will use Detect Illusions when possible. He will defend himself if attacked and if the enemy is in range, otherwise he will withdraw to a safer distance. Use this mode if you find that the warlock is causing too much collateral damage with his invocations and would like to control him manually instead.
By switching stealth mode on, the warlock will use his Walk Unseen invocation (if available) as long as he is not currently engaged in combat.
Ayden is a potential companion that can be found in the Ulcaster area (topside) and recruited after completing a short quest. He facilitates the use of most other mod features and is required for the majority of the new content.
Once Ayden has recovered some of his lost power, he will offer to transport the party to previously visited areas through the Plane of Shadow. This ability is provided as a simple convenience to reduce unnecessary traveling time and will be unavailable during parts of the game where the player would otherwise not be able to leave the current area. In certain cases, it may provide an alternative means of escaping (such as when the player is thrown in jail).
Shadow walking also comes with an optional random encounters component which will impose a small chance of encountering hostile creatures while traveling through the Plane of Shadow.
This component adds a new area where the party can shadow walk to once Ayden regains his powers. Ayden's Refuge is a small pocket plane created by the warlock before being imprisoned and serves as a safe place to rest and store items.
During the course of your adventures, you may also find ways of unlocking other features, such as potion brewing, a waste disposal unit, and a personal banking assistant.
As with shadow walking, this optional component serves merely as a convenience and adds little narrative value overall. If it doesn't suit your play style, you do not need to worry about missing out on anything major.
This component enables item crafting via the forge inside Ayden's Refuge. In order to craft items, Ayden must have recovered a sufficient portion of his power. After that, you can interact with the forge to view crafting recipes and craft items.
Some additional items have also been added to various vendors across the Sword Coast in order to more easily facilitate the crafting process. These mostly include mundane crafting components that would otherwise be hard to obtain (but should not be).
For a list of craftable items refer to the item crafting documentation.
This component is optional. If it doesn't suit your play style or you feel it adversely affects the balance of the game, you can skip it at installation (or ignore the forge in the Refuge).
This simple component will enable the use of wands for all thief kits (including warlocks) if they meet the ability requirements.
This will change the usability flags for all wands (including modded ones) that are available at the time of installation.
This component will change the configuration so that all thieves and thief kits can gain (at least) 1 point in spear or mace proficiency, like warlock. This should facilitate the use of light maces and certain spears.
This will change the proficiency flags for all thief kits (including modded ones) that are available at the time of installation.
The mod might be incompatible with any mods that drastically change the game's file stucture and/or story flow (like EET, etc.).
Q: Is the mod EET-compatible or can we expect it to be in the future?
A: To the best of my knowledge, no. It's an open issue with no set timeline.
Q: Furret has left the area! Can I still recruit Ayden?
A: Furret has decided to visit a nearby halfling town. You can find him there.
Q: Ayden's skills have disappeared! How can I get them back?
A: That is a side effect of skill cooldown. They will reappear in due time.
Q: Ayden keeps hitting my party members with his Brimstone Blast. What can I do?
A: Switch him to defensive mode and use his abilities manually.
Q: I started a new game in Siege of Dragonspear. Can I recruit Ayden somewhere?
A: Currently, not without using the console. This might change in future versions.
Q: I accidentally gave the mimic an item I needed and now it's gone. What do I do?
A: Your items can be retrieved with the console. Consult one of the forum threads for instructions.
Special thanks to Westley Weimer, Valerio Bigiani (The Bigg), and Fredrik Lindgren (Wisp) for creating and updating WeiDU.
Eternal glory to Avenger for giving us DLTCEP. Many of this mod's game files were created with the help of his editor.
Salutations to John Olav Hauglid and the rest of the team for their work on Near Infinity. We'd be lost without it.
Thanks to Razfallow for his Teleport mod and for allowing me to make use of it as part of this project.
A very special thanks to all my beta testers for helping me keep this mod bug-free and balanced.
A huge thank you to Skye for helping me with the research and a lot of the legwork.
All original materials in this mod are © Keneth O'Connor. Please contact me if you wish to make use of anything.
WeiDU is released under GPL. The latest version of WeiDU can be downloaded here.
Several modified BAM icons were extracted from Icewind Dale 2 and are a copyright of Atari.
Additional modified BAM icons were extracted from Planescape: Torment — Enhanced Edition and are a copyright of Beamdog.
Some of the item art was taken from Diablo and is a copyright of Blizzard Entertainment.
The warlock class concept, as well as the City of Shade source material, are a copyright of Wizards of the Coast.
Some of the map assets were copied from Pillars of Eternity and are a copyright of Obsidian Entertainment.
Additional map assets were created by Kenney.nl for the public domain.
The Baelnorn portrait was painted by Anastasya Zakharova. You can find her art over at nodens.artstation.com.
Maagras' portrait was painted by Maria Zolotukhina. You can find her art over at atenebris.deviantart.com.
Melgann's portrait was painted by Ognjen Sporin. You can find his art over at ognyendyolic.artstation.com.
You do NOT have permission to share this mod or any of its files on any hosting sites without consulting the author.